Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Stranger than Paradise

 1)The film still here from Stranger than Paradise is using a symmetrical balance. An example of symmetrical balance I'd say because both characters are in the center of the screen and everything seems to be balanced with respect to the characters on screen.
 2)The film still seen here is from Stranger than Paradise and is using the rule of thirds: top, center, bottom. An example of this framing device is shown here. The way the framing device shows the character is seems as though something significant is being talked about over the phone as though planning a scheme.
 3)The film still seen here is from Stranger than Paradise and uses the compositional stress framing device. Perfect example of the framing device I believe because the character in the background seems to be in a pensive mood about a certain situation or outcome.
 4)The film still seen here is also from Stranger than Paradise and uses the deep space composition. Another good example using this framing device. It looks as though the lady in the background is uneasy of the way things turned out.
 5)The film still seen here is from Stranger than Paradise and is using the rule of thirds: foreground, middle ground and background. Good example from the three characters with this framing device. In this framing device it shows the characters with some sort of sorrow in their eyes as though a death of a friend occurred.
 6)The film still here is seen in the movie Stranger than Paradise and is using the eye room (or lead room) framing device. This is a perfect example of eye room because the character is looking out into the distance and something or someone.
7)This film still is from the movie, Stranger than Paradise, is based on the rule of thirds: Left, Center and Right. this is a good example because the individuals are evenly distributed across the screen from left to right.